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Bloggin' Schmoggin'

Friday, April 28, 2006


Thanks Trident

Of all the things to pretend is new about an old product, why do companies choose the "Now with easier opening!" to push to customers. Evidently, with Trident gum, it was pretty easy to open it, but not so "EZ" to close. How hard was it to close a pack of Trident gum? You just squish the tinfoil over the top and voila. Milk industry, you've got your folly too. The plastic quick pour cap is atrocious. Especially at 2am, crying baby on hip and getting your knuckles out of the way just so as to avoid hitting the ridge of the carton. The other mechanism worked like a charm and I could do it with one hand. Why ruin it! The only product I would accept a new and improved E-Z opening campaign are Band-Aids. When your dripping blood there's nothing I want open quicker than a band-aid. They should also offer a way to open it with one hand or your foot. That would be helpful.


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