Woo the day I attain clevana with
T. McSweeney's list website.
Rejected Lists By Timothy McSweeney
Ways People Grab My Attention Via Instant Messaging
And My Responses
- y
Guess WHAT!
- sup?
eh beef
- sup?
- sup
Okay, fair enough that was more of an "art for art's sake" piece. Just enjoying the random yet mundane things in life. Not clever, got it. Next list,
Three Five Syllable Words For Haiku Discovered While Failing To
Develop A List Of Good Seven Syllable Words For Haiku That When Read
Together Are Both Mildly Disturbing And Not A Haiku
Again, it's a 'b' list. No worries. I don't claim to be a writer or anything. But I get one more try right? Three wishes, three strikes, three dog night, three 'M'. Latest work,
Things Sheryl Crow Also Wants To Do Despite The Fact That She's Not The Only One
Quilting (with lion stuffed animals)
Having the ex wife whacked (M. Schoen, 2005)
Pump out another greatest hits album
My latest one has not faired well among my small sampling so alas, I will not send. It's okay Mr. McSweeney, I'm totally not worthy, clearly. I just laid my dirty laundry out there and as I read through it, it's just not that great. So I guess here's where I say, "screw you McSweeney, and the IP you rode in on"
Any ideas on how to tie together Marathong, Shoedals (S. Bandow, 2005) and Franco-Prosciutto on Rye?