While exploring the
special purpose of Diet Caffeine Free Coke, I discovered that it doesn't contain
Soy Lecithin as originally thought. That basically threw the "vehicle for Soy Lecithin" hypothesis out the door. Soy Lecithin pops up in most snack foods, so I immediately jump to the must be bad for you conclusion. Like it's a stupid preservative or something. The top few searches say it's a remedy for fidgeting and curbing the growth of tumors, though effectiveness has not been verified. Since nothing has been verified, curious why the claim is not "curb the growth of tumors while elongating your penis." Nonetheless, Diet Caffeine Free Coke exists without it and I'm still not sure why it exists at all. No sugar, No caffeine, No taste. Someone in market research just took it a little too far. I can only presume this bright idea came from a person still clinging to their stirrup pants.