For many years I've been teased by many people about not knowing the lyrics to songs. I don't understand what the big deal is. I'm a dancer (note: if you're thinking dancer of the stripper kind, then you probably wear a blue tooth headset 24/7 to keep your hands free while you adjust your balls. You suck.) so I enjoy music melodically not literally. I do not see the issue at hand. In fact, I do know the lyrics to some songs.
Na-na na-na NA, Ca-rack that whip! Na-na na-na NA, Get her in the slip (okay so maybe not that line, but check me now) Na-na na-na NA, step on a ca-rack! Na-na na-na NA, ba-reak yo mama's back!
That was completely from memory, no search engine that rhymes with
moogle involved. Maybe if artists were as clear as Devo, I would be able to access it.