Let's postulate that you're abstaining from something, like say using
emoticons during instant message conversations. Unable to control yourself, you stick a little colon parenthesis combo right at the end of a passive aggressive sentence or something that when read without the little faux smiley would be a total insult. Like, "yeah, your hair really sucks :)" At that point, what part of the wagon are you on? Does one fall off the wagon or get on the wagon. Which way does it go? Personally I'd rather be off the wagon, who wants to be cooped up on a wagon all day? I picture the people on the wagon not abstaining, carried around together in a cart of debauchery. Meanwhile, those off the wagon are getting around town, living their lives in control. What is the wagon, really. No doubt I have this the wrong way. I'll use a different phrase like whoops, I've somehow went against my original intent of abstaining from emoticon use or what ever the non desired habit might be. Maybe a simple "whoops" would suffice. Indicating your position in the way of the wagon is moot really. There is no wagon. It's all made up and truly, you've let only yourself down :(