If your fetish is animals, might want to take that trash elsewhere. Looks like WA has tightened up the
penalty for bestiality. Always refreshing to see our state gubment cover all the bases. As we approach those cold, dark, lonely winters little Cupcake can sleep a little easier at night.
My yearly speil that goes something to the tune of
"Hey Laura, what are you going to be for Halloween next week?"
"Hey Bob, yeah , I'm going to be a carrot! I just bought it yesterday. I have this super cute, tight orange dress that stops at my crotch. I'm going to wear fishnets and stilettos. I have green hair dye cuz I'm going to be one of those Whole Food carrots, you know. And I won't be wearing any panties cuz carrots don't really wear panties now do they. See you at Josh's party! Tee Hee Hee."
Holloween. When every costume involves fishnet tights.
Peanuts and raisins
You play the role of filler
Filler is for birds

Mr. Whiskers, the office cat, totally caught in action having a little bio-break turn water cooler trip. Refreshing, purified water from the Alps isn't enough for the portly, gray fuzzball. He needs the real stuff right, from the can.
for others that have been busted see Oooohhh, Busted!
Nobody says, "I love the Seahawks," like Krispy Kreme. Even with their quaint, hey-let's-be-different-and-stand-out-with-a-creative-spelling-interpretation-of-'crispy'-and-'cream' strategy, they still find time to pay tribute to a team that's not doing half bad this season. Hey, It's okay that you can't spell all that great and your doughnuts (or is it do-nut?) are too sweet, your Seahawk Sprinkles™ show support for the community and a team that should really kick bottom this season until they run up against Da Bears and lose their momentum. Those little navy, green and white sprinkles will always be there holding the mojo in the dough. 3-2-1 Synergy!!!
My office is located just a mere mile or two away from the Wall of Gum.
There you will find a decade of little balls of gum snuggled in closely on a brick wall. Years and years of chewed chicle so glorious men, woman and children stand in front with a big smile for the camera. Some spell out Tom hearts Sara in cherry Hubba Bubba. Others simply contribute their masticated petroleum-based polymer as they walk by on their way to a meeting. What ever your contribution, the wall stands strong holding the memories of wads gone by and celebrates the addition of many more saliva filled confections to come.