Finally a Wonderbra for men. Behold, the
WonderJock. Now women can also endure that element of surprise in a drunken love-fest, pealing off each layer getting closer and closer to the tootsie roll center only to discover you've been Frito-Layed. This bag of chips is one third chips two thirds air. Over the years, men have developed techniques to determine the big question, "are those real?" A very straightforward decision tree that forks at "Do they jiggle?" Absence of jiggle (of the jigga-jigga or cajoink-cajoink variety) leads you to a bad boob job or falsies may be present. Thanks to AussieBum, girls are now under pressure to pioneer similar techniques. "What ever happened to a cheap pair of tube socks?", says Steve Bandow. It's true, spotting the tube sock was something even an amateur could do. Now, passing bulges will spark the inner question, "… or is he just happy to see me?"